These Are the Heroes with the Passion to Transform Their Communities


cherry blossom, cherry flower, cherry tree

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The affairs of the Group shall be directed by a management committee consisting of no less than 4 or more than 10 members. While all committee members shall be elected at the annual general meeting (AGM) and shall serve for 2 years. Members shall then be eligible for re-election.

winter, plant, branch

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At its first meeting after the AGM, the management committee shall elect from amongst its members a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and such other officer bearers as the management committee shall from time to time decide. The management committee may co-opt full members of the group to fill any casual vacancies that arise on the committee. Any member appointed to fill such a vacancy shall hold office until the next AGM and shall be eligible for election to the committee at that meeting. 

leaves, autumn, purple

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The committee may also invite other interested individuals, or representatives of statutory or voluntary organisations, to serve on the committee in an advisory capacity. Advisory members shall not be entitled to vote. The management committee shall meet at least two times a year. One Office Bearer plus 4 other members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. The Management Committee shall keep an accurate record of proceedings at all committee and general meetings. Members of the management committee shall be deemed to have resigned if they are absent from 3 consecutive meetings without giving apologies.